Image-based Similarity Search
With the image-based similarity search, you can explore an inventory of several million images. The images include both individual illustrations (photos, graphics, paintings) and illustrations in books or manuscripts. The image segments are automatically recognized with the help of AI technologies from the field of machine learning.
You can search for people, animals, plants, landscapes, coats of arms, book covers, miniatures or initials. Give it a go and search for "digital twins".
Here you will find instructions on how to use the image-based similarity search.

Denkschrift zur Erinnerung an die Verdienste des in Dresden am 30. Juni 1817 verstorbenen K.S. Bergrath's Werner und an die Fortschritte bei der Bergakademie zu Freiberg : nebst einer übersichtlichen Nebeneinanderstellung der Mineralsysteme Werners und seiner Nachfolger bei dieser Akademie
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