Archaeological Findings from the Archäologische Staatssammlung München

The collection was founded in 1885 as central Archäologie-Museum (Archaeological Museum) and owns c.20m archaeological objects from all eras of pre-history, from the Stone Age to the Iron Age as well as from the Roman period to the modern times. These comprise a chronological frame of c.100,000 years of human history, from the homo Neanderthalensis to modern humans. The collections allows the comprehensive reconstruction of history, art, religion, customs, technique, trade or daily life for cultures without or with few written sources. The range of archaeological objects is wide: it covers oldest stone tools and ice age art as well as cookery vessels made from pottery and luxury drinking dishes up to ceremonial weapons and statuettes of deities made of precious metals and architectural elements made of stone.

For the portal "bavarikon" archaeological material of high quality and significance were chosen. They are documented in b/w exposures. Extraordinary objects, such as for example two linchpins with owls' heads from Manching, may be studied in 3D quality.

Next to the emphasis of the collection with archaeological discoveries from Bavaria, the museum has a second substantial group of findings from the Mediterranean and the Near East. This collection supplies an understanding of the close cultural networks of old Europe and the Mediterranean area and with the adjacent ancient high cultures.

The part collections of the "Archaeological Findings" available in bavarikon

>> The collection is part of the holdings of the Archäologische Staatssammlung München (Archaeological State Collection).