The Collection Building Research in Bavaria before 1935

It was part of the aims of the Munich "Verein für Volkskunst und Volkskunde" (Association for folk art and cultural anthropology) to collect "in the country what exists and is traditional in the construction and furnishing of the house" (Statute 1902). Plans and photos were created with the aim to generate public consciousness for older building types and art forms that were supposed to act as models for contemporaneous rural buildings. A "Sonderausschuss für die Pflege heimischer Bauweise" (special committee for the care of regional building design, 1904), with mostly architects as members, determined the focus of building documentations as well as monument preservation and the fostering of regional values and traditions.

Today, the results of these endeavours belong to the holdings of the "Archivs für Hausforschung" (Archive for Building Research). Among these are early photographs of upper Bavarian longhouses by Franz Zell (1866–1961) and Fritz Jummerspach (1878–1914) as well as the sketches and plans of single farmhouses by Gabriel von Seidl (1848–1913) and August Thiersch (1843–1917).

The other part collections of the "Archiv für Hausforschung" available on bavarikon

>> This collection is part of the inventory of the Archiv für Hausforschung (Archive for Building Research) of the Institut für Volkskunde (Ethnological Institute).