Letters to Oskar Horn

The 133 letters to Oskar Horn (1841-1908) include letters from members of the "crocodiles", among them by Max Beilhack (1835-1885), Moritz Carrière (1817-1895), Felix Dahn (1834-1912), Emanuel Geibel (1815-1884), Julius Grosse (1828-1902), Wilhelm Hertz (1835-1902), Paul Heyse (1830-1914), Hans Hopfen (1835-1904), Hermann Lingg (1820-1905), Ludwig Nohl (1831-1885), Heinrich von Reder (1824-1909), Hermann von Schmid (1815-1880) and Karl Stieler (1842-1885).

Horn held the office of secretary, accountant and treasurer for the "crocodiles" for a long time. In his estate, a book of minutes, one of accounts and a library book as well as a collection of diverse documents from the association of the "crocodiles" have been preserved. He is described by Hermann von Schmid as a "hopeful poetic talent". In fact, however, Horn's literary efforts were comparatively unsuccessful, while he was more successful in gaining a foothold in journalism. His work "Überraschungen" from 1872 is a comedy in one act after a story told by his "crocodile" colleague Melchior Meyr (1810-1871).

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