The Regensburg Cathedral Choir’s performance books

The Regensburg Cathedral Choir's so-called performance books date back to the year 1892. They begin with the reference of which mass and offertory the Regensburg Cathedral Choir sang in Regensburg Cathedral on New Year's Day 1892 under the direction of the Cathedral Director of Music Franz Xaver Engelhart (1861-1924, Cathedral Director of Music 1891-1924). The 16 volumes cover the period from 1892 to 1968. The early recordings initially only contain references to the liturgy choral works in St. Peter's Cathedral and only become more detailed and extensive over the course of time. In addition, there are programmes of sacred and secular ceremonies, festive events, concerts and oratorio performances. Since the Regensburg Cathedral Choir traditionally holds the liturgy every Sunday in Regensburg Cathedral and is also active in numerous other church services on workdays and public holidays during the year, the records provide a comprehensive and interesting picture of both the choirboys' activities and the repertoire that was cultivated.

Bernhard Lübbers

>> This collection is part of the holdings of the Regensburger Domspatzen (Regensburg Cathedral Choir).