French manuscripts at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library) - Cod.gall.
The codices gallici (Cod.gall.) comprise a collection of more than 1,000 French manuscripts from the 14th to 20th centuries, including about 50 medieval manuscripts.
Among the best-known pieces, richly decorated with illuminations, is the so-called Munich Boccaccio (Cod.gall. 6), the "Psalter of Queen Isabella of England" written in French and richly decorated with English illuminations (Cod.gall. 16) as well as "Le Livre de la mutation de fortune" by Christine de Pisan (Cod.gall. 11) and the "Douze dames de rhétorique des Jean Robertet" (Cod.gall. 15) and the "Prayer Book" (Cod.gall. 40) produced for Duke Philip the Good of Burgundy (1419-1467).
>> This collection is part of the holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library).
To the collections by signature group of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek