Scientific textbooks from the holding of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

A textbook is a non-fiction book that offers didactically prepared teaching materials for (self-)study or teaching purposes. Textbooks have a long tradition, they already existed in antiquity and the Middle Ages, and exist in all disciplines; one might think of Cicero's work on the speaker (De oratore) or Vitruvius' work on architecture (Res/2 800) here. Depending on their political or religious context, textbooks may be ideologically biased. There are also different types and versions of textbooks that pursue different objectives. A textbook that focuses on the repetition of the subject matter is called a repetitorium. Brief textbooks that provide an initial overview or bundling of the material for different contexts of use are also known as compendiums or outlines.

Textbooks from various disciplines and subject areas are exhibited virtually in bavarikon. For example, the Dialogus de dialectica by the Anglo-Saxon Alcuin (Clm 19437) or the textbook on gunsmithing, fireworks and geometry for Johann Baptist Furtenbach (Cgm 5293, 5294). Corresponding literature was also published on metallurgy (Res/4 Metall. 66 g). Several works are presented from the field of medicine, such as Felix Platter's work on the anatomy of the human body (De corporis humani structura) (Res/2 Path. 16#fig.1) as well as a more paediatric-focused textbook (Res/Path. 1546 m). In contrast, it may seem somewhat esoteric that there were also textbooks for palmistry as an art of divination, chiromancy, of which bavarikon presents several prints from the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek's collection published at different times (Xylogr. 36 and Res/Astr.p. 208 f).

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>> This collection is part of the holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library).

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