Friedrich der Weise to Anton, 1522

Stadtarchiv Nürnberg, E29/IV, 676
On 4.11.1522 Elector Friedrich III of Saxony writes from Torgau to Anton II Tucher

The subject of the letter from Friedrich III of Saxony to Anton II Tucher is, among other things, the sending of an edition of the New Testament. This is most likely a printed copy of the first German translation of the New Testament by Martin Luther, the so-called September Testament. Published in September 1522, the folio volume contained woodcuts by Lucas Cranach the Elder, who also acted as publisher. A somewhat later letter from Friedrich (E29/IV, 678) shows how controversial this post was. In it he expresses his concern that the book might be banned in Nuremberg. Then, in January 1523, he emphasises his joy at Tucher’s assurance that he will read the New Testament in its entirety (E29/IV, 679).

Friedrich III of Saxony (1463-1525), also known as "der Weise" (the Wise) because of his diplomatic skills, held the Saxon electoral dignity from 1486. He was therefore one of the seven electors who elected the emperor in the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. Anton II Tucher held the highest office in the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg from 1507. Both political dignitaries maintained close ties with each other. The contact with the Elector shows that Tucher was excellently networked and held in high esteem. The correspondence also concerned Martin Luther (1483-1546), whose theses criticising the church (1517) became a theological and political test. Friedrich III was Luther’s most powerful patron.

Sarah Nienas