About the exhibition

The virtual exhibition "Wir Ludwig von Gottes Gnaden. A Comparison of the German-language charters of Ludwig the Bavarian" is a joint project of the State Archives of Bavaria and the Professorship for Medieval and Early Modern German Literature and Language in Bavaria at the University of Augsburg, and was realized between 2019 and 2022.

Project management: Professor Dr. Klaus Wolf, Universität Augsburg

Concept: Professor Dr. Thomas Krüger, Professor Dr. Klaus Wolf, Dr. Thomas Engelke

Text: Professor Dr. Thomas Krüger, Professor Dr. Klaus Wolf, Dr. Thomas Engelke; Anton Serafin Dominikus Baur, Katharina Bayer, Julia Kessler, Romina Knecht, Johannes Kroh, Serena Parisi, Jakob Rasch, Gabriele Victoria Schaffner, Roman Walch und Emmanuel Walz
Editorial: Johannes Kroh, M.A.

Photographs: Staatsarchiv Augsburg

Data preparation and provision of metadata: Johannes Kroh, M.A.

Editorial: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Referat Bavarica

Technical support/metadata/digital production: Referat Digitale Bibliothek / Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum / Langzeitarchivierung (DB/MDZ) der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek

Public relations/media contact: Irma Bachhammer M.A.
E-Mail: presse@bavarikon.de
Telephone: +49(0)89 28638-2024

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library)
Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv (Bavarian Main State Archive)
Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns (Directorate General of the Bavarian State Archives)
Staatsarchiv Augsburg (Augsburg State Archive)