Serbischer Psalter (Srpski Psaltir): Psalterium cum Cantionario antiquâ linguâ Slavicâ - BSB Cod.slav. 4

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek


The manuscript represents the principal work of mediaeval Serbian illumination. The manuscript, termed a Psalter with Office, contains the psalms with additional texts, and was intended for private devotional use. The 154 miniatures, many of them full-page, show the influence of Byzantine art; thematically, there are many similarities with 14th century Serbian ecclesiastical mural painting. They show the signs of deterioration common in Byzantine manuscripts. The manuscript was commissioned by a princely patron, possibly of the house of Prince Lazar. In the 15th century it was owned by the Serbian despot Georg (Durad?) Branković, whose family later presented it to the monastery of Pribina Glava. In the 17th century it was sent on loan to Peč, and there restored and rebound. Shortly afterwards, in 1689, it was brought to Bavaria as war booty by Wolfgang Heinrich Gemmel von Flischbach, an officer serving in the Bavarian army during the Turkish wars, who presented it to the Cistercian monastery of Gotteszell. Through exchange, it then came into the library of the monastery of St. Emmeran in Regensburg, and reached Munich after that monastery was dissolved. Datum: 2019


Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Department of Eastern Europe

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