Nachlass von Eva Gräfin von Baudissin (1869-1943) – BSB Baudissiniana / A,1,9. Eva Gräfin von Baudissin (1869-1943) Nachlass: Kapellmeisterin Hanna von Santen – BSB Baudissiniana A.I.9

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek


Eva Gräfin von Baudissin (1869-1943) is one of the German writers born in the 19th century who were forgotten, although they were highly successful in the early 20th century. The Munich-based journalist wrote feature articles, essays and sketches for various newspapers and worked for radio and film. She was a member of the Münchner Verein für Fraueninteressen and therefore part of Bavaria's bourgeois women's movement; in 1913 she joined the Münchner Schriftstellerinnen-Verein. Baudissin founded the "Münchner Frauenclub" (Munich Women's Club) in 1914. Today only her non-fiction books, the book "Spemanns goldenes Buch der Sitten" (1901) written by her and her husband, or her highly touristic travelogues in "Sie am Seil" (1914) are remembered. The 211-page novel type script "Kapellmeisterin Hanna von Santen" deals with "the fate of a young girl who grew up in a good home and is now required to study music until her father, a well-known performer, is paralysed by a stroke and unable to work." The focus is Hanna's vocation as a conductor. "How she feels is the greater part of the novel, which is set alternately in a Baltic seaside resort, then in Berlin and Munich [...] and is rich in all kinds of tension until the lovers finally see a future ahead of them." (Foreword) Datum: 2019


Peter Czoik

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