Nachlass von Eva Gräfin von Baudissin (1869-1943) – BSB Baudissiniana / A,8,1,17. Eva Gräfin von Baudissin (1869-1943) Nachlass: Die Lage der einsamen deutschen Frauen - BSB Baudissiniana A.VIII.1.17

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek


The Munich-based author and journalist Eva Gräfin von Baudissin (1869-1943) wrote feature articles, essays and sketches for various newspapers and worked for radio and film. She was a member of the Münchner Verein für Fraueninteressen and therefore part of Bavaria's bourgeois women's movement; in 1913 she joined the Münchner Schriftstellerinnen-Verein. Baudissin founded the "Münchner Frauenclub" (Munich Women's Club) in 1914. Today only her non-fiction books, the book "Spemanns goldenes Buch der Sitten" (1901) written by her and her husband, or her highly touristic travelogues in "Sie am Seil" (1914) are remembered. This text by Eva von Baudissin (1869-1943) paints a gloomy picture of German women: many who want to work are not allowed to do so because they are too old or unskilled, and see no other way out but suicide. During the war in particular, women 'behind the front' had achieved great things, but now they're left standing there as "small pensioners" without employment and social recognition. It's an absurdity for Baudissin: "No one is superfluous, [...] and even the poorest are entitled to some sun, charity and consideration in their difficult fate!" (S. 4) In addition to Eva von Baudissin's (1869-1943) typoscript of her cultural-historical discourse on the dressing table, the material contains an envelope addressed to her and entitled "Dressing Table and Mirror" as well as an impression in the illustrated ladies' newspaper "Der Bazar" under the title 'Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...' (cf. Baudissiniana A.VIII.1.33). Datum: 2019


Peter Czoik

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