Nachlass von Eva Gräfin von Baudissin (1869-1943) – BSB Baudissiniana / A,8,7,1. Eva Gräfin von Baudissin (1869-1943) Nachlass: Das junge Mädchen und die junge Frau von heute - BSB Baudissiniana A.VIII.7.1

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek


The Munich-based author and journalist Eva Gräfin von Baudissin (1869-1943) wrote feature articles, essays and sketches for various newspapers and worked for radio and film. She was a member of the Münchner Verein für Fraueninteressen and therefore part of Bavaria's bourgeois women's movement; in 1913 she joined the Münchner Schriftstellerinnen-Verein. Baudissin founded the "Münchner Frauenclub" (Munich Women's Club) in 1914. Today only her non-fiction books, the book "Spemanns goldenes Buch der Sitten" (1901) written by her and her husband, or her highly touristic travelogues in "Sie am Seil" (1914) are remembered. This lecture by Eva von Baudissin (1869-1943) is an attempt to "draw the young girl and later the young woman of today." (p. 1) Baudissin criticises the compassion for the fine arts, which the young girls were previously inoculated with, and their lifelong obligation to wait for marriage to a man. The "young girl of today", on the other hand, wants and must work and has the keys to "wanting to go further and further and further" (p. 5). Integrated into the economic cycle, she is no longer just a "consumer" but a "producer". Datum: 2019


Peter Czoik

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