Äquatoriale Ringsonnenuhr von Canivet (Chronometer, 1769)

Deutsches Museum


The equinoctial ring dial consisting of two brass rings and a movable crossbar can be used at different latitudes. Because of this versatility, it is also called universal ring dial. The outer ring (meridian ring) has eight place names engraved on the front, the inner ring (equatorial ring) has ten on the front, and the outer ring has two on the back, i.e. a total of 20 European places are engraved with their latitudes and arranged alphabetically (e.g. "Bruxelles . 50 . 50 .", "Madrid . 40 . 26 .", "Marseille . 43 . 18 ." and "Paris 48 51"). Most of them are located in France, which fits well with the production of the sundial in Paris.


Mareike Wöhler 2019

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