Boener, Johann Alexander: Wahrhafte Abriße Derer um die Stadt Nürnberg liegenden Städtlein

Stadtbibliothek Nürnberg


The series of views edited by Johann Alexander Boener (1647-1720) in different editions cover the topics of (1) Nuremberg's inner-city and suburban architecture, (2) the topology and architecture of the Nuremberg region and (3) the town of Fürth. The series of engravings on Nuremberg was first published without a year, probably as early as 1699. Later editions, extended by the engravings of the Nuremberg region, followed in 1702 and 1708 and posthumously by Boener's son Johann Jacob (1691-1727) in 1722. Separate editions from 1704 and 1705 are documented for the Fürth series of views. In terms of accuracy of detail and empirical approach, Boener's engravings represent very reliable source material. Many of the buildings and topological sections portrayed by Boener were not realistically reproduced again until the 19th century. According to C.G. Müller's relevant bibliography, this collection, which is to be regarded as a unit of the "J.A. Boener'schen Prospekte", comprises 431 individual engravings, including the versions that are to be regarded as the joint products of an artistic workshop.

The "Wahrhafte Abriße Derer um die Stadt Nürnberg liegender Städtlein, Schlösser und Dörffer ..." (True surveys of towns, castles and villages around the city of Nuremberg) series of views comprises 109 illustrations of manor houses, patrician castles, monasteries and striking architecture in the towns and villages in the Nuremberg region.

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