Trendkollektionsmappe der Neuen Augsburger Kattunfabrik für die Saison Frühjahr/Sommer 1971

Staatliches Textil- und Industriemuseum Augsburg


The Neue Augsburger Kattunfabrik’s collection changed around 1970. The company gave up producing decorative fabrics and specialised in fabrics for clothing, in particular womenswear. The NAK produced large graphic, partly abstract patterns in intense colours, among others. These looked particularly good on long dresses that consumed a lot of fabric. These fabrics were advertised through fashion shows and so-called trend collection folders, which NAK sales representatives used to present the printed fabrics to clothing manufacturers and department stores. Large-format fabric swatches, combined with transparencies that showed a possible finish, were probably intended to facilitate sales.

The sales slogan that developed from the letters "NAK" was: "Natürliche Anmut ist konkurrenzlos" (Natural elegance is unrivalled).


Michaela Breil


Kluge, Andrea: Der Stoff aus dem die Mode ist ... Die Stoffmustersammlung der Neuen Augsburger Kattunfabrik, hrsg. von Neue Augsburger Kattunfabrik, Rosenheim: Rosenheimer Verlagshaus, 1991.