The Early-Mediaeval Cemetery at Sulzheim, Schweinfurt District, Lower Franconia (6th-7th cent. AD)

The early medieval cemetery of Sulzheim lies about 300 m north of the village. In the gypsum quarry of Sulzheim, skeletons have been found again and again for a long time, allegedly without grave goods. With the discovery of a human inhumation grave with grave goods (grave 6) and a horse skeleton in 1964, the existence of a larger early-medieval cemetery could finally be ascertained.

The following excavation revealed twelf graves. These graves were part of a much larger cemetery and can be dated from the second half of the sixth to the second half of the seventh centuries. The horse burial found in 1964 was probably related to grave 6, because the man buried there was given a magnificent bridle, as was sometimes the custom with richer warriors.

>> These finds are part of the "Cemeteries and Burials from Bavaria" of the holdings of "Archaeological Findings" of the Archäologische Staatssammlung München (Archaeological State Collection of Munich).