About bavarikon

bavarikon is the internet portal of the Free State of Bavaria for the presentation of art, culture and stocks of knowledge from Bavarian institutions. Archives, libraries and museums are involved as well as institutions of state administration, of those engaged in the preservation of historical monuments and of those promoting scholarship. bavarikon provides worldwide free access to a broad spectrum of cultural assets such as documents and archival records, manuscripts, archaeological discoveries, paintings, graphics and photographs, city plans and maps, sculptures, means of payment, castles and palaces as well as folk culture etc. Selected exhibits are presented as 3D models.

Some of the digital representations in the portal were produced especially for bavarikon. The portal went online in April 2013. It is updated monthly by new contents and constantly wins additional institutions as new partners.

Project Structure

The Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts and the Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs are responsible for the management of the general concept of bavarikon and the fundamental use of the disposable financial resources.

The bavarikon council, currently consisting of 14 members entitled to vote, acts as an advisory body for the management when fundamental decisions regarding the technical operation and digitization strategy are concerned. The bavarikon council makes its decisions on digitization projects in accordance with the guidelines of the management.

The Bavarian State Library is responsible for the ongoing technical, editorial and organizational operation of bavarikon.

The web hosting is provided by the Leibniz Computing Centre at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.

For a list of all partner institutions for this project, please click on "Partners".

The Composition of the bavarikon Council

The following 14 institutions are represented with voting rights on the bavarikon council:

Funding opportunities

bavarikon promotes the digitisation of cultural assets in Bavaria on condition that the digitised images produced are presented in high quality on bavarikon. The digitisation is supervised by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

In addition, objects and rooms may be digitised or measured in 3D.

For more information, see "Informations for Partners".

Contact Persons

President of the bavarikon council
Prof. Dr. Rupert Gebhard, Supervising Director of the Bavarian State Archaeological Collection

Line Manager
Dr. Klaus Ceynowa, Director General of the Bavarian State Library

Dr. Markus Brantl, Head of the departments Digital Library and Bavarica of the Bavarian State Library

Technology Supervision
Dr. Martin Hermann, Head of the departments Digitalization Centre of Munich / Digital Library of the Bavarian State Library

Content Supervision
Florian Sepp M.A., Head of the department Bavarica of the Bavarian State Library

Branch Office
Veronika Eder M.A., Head of the branch office