Sayings and fables

This manuscript contains courtly love speeches from Eastern Swabia. These are preserved in several manuscripts from the East Swabian region (including Cgm 397). These are poems about secular love in all forms of the literary genre.

Cgm 270 collates all the known pieces alongside the almost completely erased "Lob der guten Fut" text (leaf 121r – Obscene panegyric on the vulva). The titles partly indicate the school of thought on courtly love: "Streit für und gegen die Minne" (leaf 92r-96r – Argument for and against courtly love), "Des von Laber Lehren" (leaf 96r-102r – The teachings of a refector), "Den Jungen die Minne, den Alten der Wein!" (leaf 67r-68v – Courtly love for the young, wine for the old!), "Minneerlebnis" (leaf 43v-45r – Courtly love experience), "Des Liebhabers Verabschiedung" (leaf 158r-159v – The lover's farewell), "Der treue Liebhaber" (leaf 172r-174v – The faithful lover), "Minneerlebnis" (leaf 137v-144r – The separated courtly lovers), "Des Mädchens Klage um den toten Freund" (leaf 167v-172r – The girl's lament for her dead boyfriend), "Des Labers Rat" (Bl. 71r-73r – The advice of a refector), "Ironische Minnelehre" (leaf 147v-152v – Ironic courtly love teachings) and "Spottgedicht auf abenteuerliche Minne" (leaf 210r-212r – Satirical poem about adventurous courtly love). The manuscript's date of origin is 1464.

To the digitised copy