Hartmann Schedel, Liederbuch (Songbook)

The compiler of the famous "Weltchronik" (1493, Rar. 287), the Nuremberg doctor and humanist Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514), also wrote his songbook, the so-called "Münchener Liederbuch", during his academic years 1461-67.

The manuscript came to Munich as part of Schedel's library, the small format and the Bastarda Gothic script suggest an unadorned design for personal use. The collection comprises about 126 pieces: German songs, French chansons and Latin motets, all mostly in three-part movements in choral book notation.

Most of the text and sheet music was written by Schedel himself, the change in the script's style shows that the songs were collected over a longer period of time. 26 songs are without melody, almost two thirds of the texts are only preserved in this manuscript. Besides the "Augsburger Liederbuch", the "Lochamer Liederbuch" and the "Liederbuch der Clara Hätzlerin", the "Münchener Liederbuch" is one of the most important testimonies of its genre, an important source for the German tenor song in the second half of the 15th century.

To the digitised copy