The estate of Georg Scherer (1828-1909) - G. Schereriana

Georg Scherer (1828-1909) was a German writer, philologist, collector and editor of children's books, folk songs and riddles.

Born in 1828 in Dennenlohe, Georg Scherer left his home in today's Middle Franconia early to study philosophy and philology in Munich. Having completed his studies, he moved his life to Stuttgart in 1854, where he worked as an educator at the house of the publisher Cotta. When the education of his pupil, a nephew of Baron Cotta, was completed and he left the (parental) home, Scherer was also dismissed from the family's services. Scherer then moved to Tübingen and obtained his doctorate at the university there. In 1864 he qualified to lecture in the subjects of literature and art history at the Technische Hochschule (Technical University) in Stuttgart. In the following years Scherer undertook research trips within Europe until he was finally appointed professor and librarian at the Königliche-Kunstschule (Royal Art School) in Stuttgart. In 1881 he retired from academic teaching and returned to Munich. From then on he devoted himself to his literary work and continued to publish anthologies. Georg Scherer died in 1909 in Eglfing, Upper Bavaria.

The importance of Scherer lies above all in the research and recording of the German folk song. He also collected and published children's books, for whose illustrations he was able to engage renowned artists of his time. His best-known publications include: „Alte und neue Kinderlieder, Fabeln, Sprüche und Räthsel“ (1849 - Old and new children's songs, fables, proverbs and riddles), „Deutsche Volkslieder“ (1851 - German folk songs), „Deutscher Dichterwald. Lyrische Anthologie" (1851 - German Poetry. Lyrical Anthology), "Jungbrunnen. Die schönsten deutschen Volkslieder" (1875 - Fountain of Youth. The most beautiful German folk songs) and the "Illustrierte deutsche Kinderbuch" (1863 - The illustrated German children's book).

His estate contains poems, lectures and essays on literature, material on editing, material on Eduard Mörike, letters to Georg Scherer and poems by Richard von Schaukal.

The whole collection is open.

>> This estate belongs to the collection of estates from the holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library).