„Heimische Bauweise in Oberbayern“

Franz Zell published the "Heimische Bauweise in Oberbayern. Beispiele einfacher Wohngebäude für die Kleinstadt und das Land" (Domestic construction in Upper Bavaria. Examples of simple residential buildings for small towns and the countryside) article in 1906 in "Schriften des Bayerischen Vereins für Volkskunst und Volkskunde" (Publications of the Bavarian Association for Folk Art and Folklore).

In his introductory text, Zell praises the preservationist and at the same time conservative attitude in Bavaria on the subject of architecture.

He refers to a decision, "resolution" by the Ministry of the Interior on 1 January 1904, which orders regionally based building: "... made it obligatory for the authorities that the plain simple style of building should again be taken into account and new buildings suitably integrated into the surroundings."

In addition, he points to the support of the "Bayerischer Verein für Volkskunst und Volkskunde", which now has a "committee" to advise and support communities and private individuals in the "cultivation of domestic construction".

Teaching in "domestic construction" at vocational schools such as the "Königliche Baugewerkschule" (Royal School of Construction) is a key factor for Zell. After all, he had been teaching the subject since 1901.

Zell shows his examples selected from his teaching, his lectures and his own projects here on 14 plates.

Michaela Thomas