Assets and property of the municipality

The administration of the municipal property comprises the acquisition, sale or leasing of land, forest land and buildings (the oldest document dates from 1365, StadtA WS, I1a7) and the administration of the resulting land charges (cf. land register for the years 1625-1848, StadtA WS, I1b388).

The town’s "Salbuch" (property and revenue register) for the foundations (StadtA WS, I1c1144) makes it clear that this endowment was ultimately also urban property. The archival record marks a turning point in history: on the one hand, it presents the government administration of the municipal foundations by the Königliche Stiftungsadministration (Royal Administration of the Foundation) in the wake of the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire, and on the other hand the increasing independence of the foundations, which remains after this responsibility was returned to the then municipal town administration of the 19th century.

The town’s debt and claims are often mixed with other legal transactions (and thus regularly classified several times), whereby one prominent example illustrates that the original preservation of individual existing documentary borrower’s notes was used for repayment processing and monitoring. In 1573, for example, Duke Albrecht V. of Bavaria (1528-1579, duke since 1550) took out a loan of 50,000 guilders with the town of Wasserburg, on which he wanted to pay annual interest of 2,500 guilders until it was repaid (StadtA WS, I1a1527).

>> This collection is part of the collection "Kommunalarchiv (Municipal Archive)" of the Stadtarchiv Wasserburg am Inn (Wasserburg am Inn Municipal Archive).