Glasbecher mit szenischer Darstellung des Bacchus bei der Weinernte

Römisches Museum Augsburg in den Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburg


This late Roman-dated, greenish glass, steep-sided cup with figural decoration was found as a grave offering in the burial site of a man in 1925. The grave was part of a Roman burial ground, which was located in the west of Roman Augsburg and must have once been on an arterial road towards Kempten. The wall of the cup shows the god Bacchus, recognisable by his thyrsus staff and panther skin, with three followers to whom he glances and who are busy harvesting the grapes. They are holding oversized vines or placing the grapes in baskets that stand between them on the ground. The depiction, which is only faintly visible today, was originally painted on in enamel colours.

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