Kaufmanns-Journal von Schöppler & Hartmann, 1783-1792

Staatliches Textil- und Industriemuseum Augsburg


The journal documents the Kattundruckerei Schöppler & Hartmann’s various financial transactions in the company accounts, such as the "Profit & Loss Account", the "Undisclosed Account" and the "Bill of Exchange Account". The "Cash Account" and the "Firewood Account" record the cash receipts and expenditures made locally in Augsburg. The "Goods Account" exclusively contains Augsburg-related costs for the retail trade of small quantities of various kinds of goods. The "Expenses Account" provides information on general expenses ranging from fodder for cows and horses to contributions to almshouses and choir pupils.

Two other accounts reveal the company’s involvement in numerous national goods cycles. The "Budget Account" lists goods that the company purchased through large trading houses. The "Manufacturing Account" provides information about the expenses for production and the revenue for printed goods. The expenses include, among other things, wages for employees. Furthermore, this account contains the labour and material costs for preparing the raw material for printing.

On the income side, the "Manufacturing Account" records all of Schöppler & Hartmann’s customers or trading partners with the goods delivered. These were mainly wholesalers in Frankfurt am Main, which was the most important market for printed calicoes in Germany at the time with its trade fairs.


Karl Borromäus Murr and Michaela Breil


Murr, Karl Borromäus & Breil, Michaela, Textile Printing in early modern Augsburg: at the Crossroads of Local and Global Histories of Industries, in: Cotton in Context. Manufactoring, Marketing and Consuming Textiles in the German-speaking World (1500-1900), hrsg. von Siebenhüner, Kim, u.a., Wien / Köln / Weimar: Böhlau, 1. Auflage 2019, pp. 91-118.